i'm in awe of your rich expat history! this made me reflect on my own time writing online from a young age, something i haven't thought about in ages. i hugely resonate with the lack of a comprehensive niche, yet the innate desire to write no matter what. substack is so wonderful for that, we can really be ourselves and write exactly what we want!

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I'm glad you found this article, then! sorry for the resurfacing of possible cringe memories but, hopefully, that was inspiring? Will I get to read about your own blogging experience in one of your future pieces? :)

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maybe so…. that could be an interesting deep dive 👀 thank you for the inspiration!

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Ohhh I would do a trip down memory lane if it weren't for the fact I frantically deleted all evidence whenever I was randomly done with yet another blog... I started blogging for funsies at 13, then started again at 18 when I was abroad (for more communicative purposes), then at 25ish, then at 31 again. CAN'T STOP WON'T STOP, unless I stop. I did write a post once about how I found a dead mouse in my fish bowl when we came back from family vacation and my parents still talk about out so I guess you can say I've been pretty successful 💅

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I thought I was a special snowflake, turns out I was unaware that blogging 'for funsies' was a thing! How did your 'blogging for communicative purposes' go? mine was underwhelming at best. My friends in Italy STILL don't ready anything I write :/

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Ha! I love this so much. I think your blog titles are great. Love the 300 days of England – like 500 days of Summer – and the 'bring your own lipstick.' It's a cute phrase and it's also funny because generally people don't share lipstick. Heh! I'm already impressed at your talent for being able to blog in two languages. I'm glad you've been able to find your place on and off through writing.

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500 days of Summer was such an iconic movie! It accompanied me through brakeups and flings better than chocolate ;) FUN FACT: did you know that in the Italian version they thought it was a good idea to translate the name of the band 'the smiths', so that she is really saying that she loves blacksmiths? (this makes sense only if you've seen the movie and you know professional blacksmiths have nothing to do with it)

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So glad you're still writing Barb. You're Italian friends don't realise what they're missing out on!

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Thanks! This writing thing is harder than it looks~ I am glad you are writing, too ! It’s really nice to see the world from someone else’s perspective, especially when they are living in familiar places

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Hey have you come across Rahma's substack, "A woman who wanders"? Rahma is currently living in Italy and her recent post included Things I Find Weird in Italy. You might have a good laugh 😅 it's towards the end of this post:


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Thanks for recommending! I'll check it out right now :)

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Very nice and honest post. It sounds like you are being a bit harsh on yourself. No matter how much we deny it, we all are special snowflakes, each bragging in their own way. You did it by trying to sound fancy in your blog. No biggie ;)

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Thank you for reading. I guess you're right, existing in society implies a certain level of self-awareness and adjustments...

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Wow, MSN Messenger, what a throwback! I'm glad you started writing again, despite your classmates

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MSN messenger was the best. At one point my username was three or four lines of song lyrics! Thanks, my ego got a bit bruised but, hey, somehow I am still friends with all of them!

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It really was! I was obsessed with it. That's amazing about your username haha

Ugh kids can be so cruel, but it sounds like they turned it around

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